Thursday 10 July 2014

How to use molding in the modern interior

The latest trends and great tips on how to use moldings in the interior and how to install gypsum and plaster molding in your interior decor with new ideas

Previously, all protruding elements on the surface of the walls and ceiling were made using gypsum. Now often densely-gypsum replace poliuritanom. Nevertheless, not all ready-made templates can convey the elegance and uniqueness of manually created and applied directly to the wall material.

molding,crown molding,gypsum decor,plaster decorations
How to use molding in the modern interior

Install Molding in the interior:

Let's look at how it can be used in interior stucco, plaster and how to apply as best enhances the environment through the use of this detail.

Making stucco wall :

The most common application of plaster moldings were and remain vertical wall surfaces. You can be inspired by many examples, but the layout of it is better to think of moldings based on the characteristics of each individual layout of the room. Consider where they will stand or other objects, their size. So you can make the most beneficial present design the wall - so that eventually it is well seen from several points in the room.

Width plaster moldings better to use no more than 6cm - on large planes looks good is slim and elegant edge.

molding in the interior,crown molding,wall molding,plaster decor
How to use molding in the modern interior
moldings,wall molding,gypsum wall decoration,plaster wall

moldings,wall molding,plaster decor

molding,wall molding,plaster decorations

molding,wall molding,gypsum and plaster decor

Simulate the ceiling caissons :

From stucco decor can successfully simulate the installation of wooden caisson ceiling. All you need for this - to create the framework of the equivalent of cells around the perimeter of the ceiling, and after - the issue ends with plaster baguettes. It will cost much cheaper products made ​​of wood, and promises to look even more elegant and easier.

Strive to create an atmosphere and the volume and color, leave for other decorative elements.

As for the color - do not lean on paint and color combinations - a modern twist with plaster work involves minimal coloristic experiments.

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How to use molding in the modern interior
coffered ceiling,molding,kitchen ceiling designs

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How to use molding in the modern interior

Create a bas :

Professional Master to work with plaster will bring you any ideas. With this material, you can create stunning three-dimensional reliefs, protruding from the surface of 2-3 cm, and even more. Book a decorator to create landscape on the wall, repeat the look of your most beloved works of art. Also, it can be as abstract paintings and landscapes, still lifes - in a word, any image of your choice.

Ask the service technician to do initially sketched by hand or just give him the original photo or other image that you have an idea about how eventually will look like this section of the wall. When designing the interior, knowing where there will be relief, consider immediately as his light at night.

The upper or lower decorative lighting accentuate bulk compositions using light and shadow.

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Don't miss this exclusive catalog of plaster decor

Create edge of door and window openings:

Any window and doorway, without exception, when you make around stucco or plaster simple baguette will look much more luxurious and even pompous. This is especially true for now popular Scandinavian-style loft, Contemporary and minimalist. It would seem that nothing could be more suitable for the French classics - but no, the current trends combine incongruous dictate the rules.

And now we are almost make out in the best traditions of the palace walls, and then put in a red sofa interior of Ikea and rude table created by the construction of pallets on the huge-legged wheels. Do not be afraid that the stucco looks too officious. It's all stamps. Indeed, the very absence of mandatory only Patali patina and make it just the same bas-relief, just limited in strict rhythm. The best thing you can do - then paint the moldings around the windows and doors in white. Use the white door and window frames - this method will only enhance the desired effect.

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door and window edge, molding, gypsum and plaster decoration

Frame the important subjects and stress accents:

At the planning stage think about what exactly will be the center of the composition or the most attractive for the presence of elements in the room. Direct the attention of people in the right direction, you can also stressing worthy things stucco decor . Create a beautiful frame around the proposed location of the monitor. Its edges can leave the square, but you can get a more elegant, using the elements of hand-made by master advance.

With further painting walls again-still use the same color for the stucco and the main surface. Although in some cases very appropriate look and tonal, but not in too much contrast.

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If you want to use molding in your interior, so you should visit

Make ornament ceiling :

With plaster ceiling design work is the most pleasant. You are not bound by any standard size template production, design and certain degree of relief. Absolutely every detail you can think on their own and bring it to life, the right challenge to the professionals in this field.

Remember symmetry and composition. When looking at the ceiling from the bottom up, he must be perfectly thought out and verified in detail. Otherwise - not even worth pursuing.

When working with stucco and be extremely scrupulous meanness - any element would have to be in place and working in harmony with others. Again, do not take into account color - to paint and stucco, and the ceiling itself in white, simple and monochrome tint.

Remember the height of its ceiling - what it is, the more expressive in terms of stucco you can afford.

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crown molding,ceiling molding,gypsum decorations

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Decorate 3D wall panels

With this element of stucco you probably familiar - 3d panel recently gained popularity. Make them often from the same plaster as before. Just technology has become more streamlined and easy. If such a technique you use bulk stucco seems appropriate in your home, you can find a ready sample design, purchase the necessary amount of material, and after installation - just paint the panel.

There is also a more creative way - tie pattern plaster panels to any pattern in the room. Certainly textiles, pattern tiles, wallpapers, will have a certain degree of repetition and rhythm pattern. That's the thing that can be "carried over" to the wall plaster in advance asking professional render you the desired shape in the vector. Later on these samples you make customized, like no other whose set individual 3d panels.

3d wall panels, molding in the modern interior
3d wall panels, molding in the modern interior
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Needless to say that the modeling of individual analogues is not there a very long time. This pleasant opportunity to put any imagination and ideas wins. You realize that you can create whatever your heart desires. 
Of course, abuse the privilege should not be - 90% of cases you can do pretty standard blanks. But, working with plaster moldings, you can always change things and create in your home a corner that does not make it look like no other.